Call for proposals for hosting Pangborn 2029

Notification of intention to submit a proposal by 10 January 2025

Deadline for submission of full proposals: 15 June 2025

The Conference Committee of the Pangborn Sensory Science Trust is soliciting proposals for the 18th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium to take place in 2029.

We invite those interested in chairing and hosting the 2029 Pangborn Symposium to notify the Conference Committee Chair ( by 10 January 2025.

Proposers are invited to submit an expression of interest that will be reviewed by the Pangborn Conference Committee. Based on these submissions, proposers will be notified by mid-February 2025 about their selection for the next steps. Selected proposers be invited to submit a full proposal by June 15th, 2025, and to present their proposal to the meeting of the Conference Committee at Pangborn 2025 in Philadelphia, PA, USA on August 19th.  A final decision will be made by the Conference Committee following the presentation and will be communicated to all submitters soon after.

All proposers must work in partnership with Elsevier regarding the proposed location and budget.  Please contact them in advance of submitting your expression of interest to facilitate this and benefit from their insights. For expressions of interest, they will work with you to check any legal, tax or regulatory restrictions that may exist for us working in certain countries, and to ensure that the proposed venue has the suitable space for the symposium. If you are invited to submit a full proposal, they will work with yourselves and the proposed venue, to create a full symposium budget, that must be included as part of your full proposal.

Proposals from geographical regions where the Pangborn conference has not recently been held are especially encouraged, although all proposals will be considered during the first stage of the selection process. Note that proposals from a team of chairs located in different geographical regions are welcome.

Potential chairs may propose to host the conference in a location of their choosing but in consultation with Elsevier. The proposed conference should last 4 or 5 days, and the proposed location should be able to accommodate ~1200 delegates in person, with appropriate space for 4 or 5 simultaneous tracks of programming.

The Conference Committee aspires that the Pangborn Symposium maintain its status as the leading global conference for Sensory & Consumer Science. The conference should be widely regarded as scientifically excellent, by attracting the best researchers in the field to present their work, and by drawing attendance from all major stakeholder groups (academics, students, industrial practitioners and researchers, service providers, and vendors). A key criterion in selecting chairs to host the 2029 conference will be demonstrated experience, vision and passion to fulfil this aspiration.

Specifications of Detailed Proposal to Host the 2029 Pangborn Symposium
The Pangborn Sensory Science Trust has selected Elsevier to assist with administration of the 2029 Pangborn Symposium. On behalf of the Pangborn Sensory Science Trust, Elsevier is responsible for all administrative, budgetary, logistical and organisational elements of the Pangborn Symposium. Further details on Elsevier’s role, relative to the organizing chairs and the Conference Committee will be provided by from Julien Delarue (chair of the Conference Committee) on declaration of interest. General information about conference aspirations, values, and customs, and essential background information for prospective chairs will also be provided.

We require those submitting proposals to work up-front (prior to deadlines listed above) with the Conference Committee and Elsevier regarding their proposed venue to ensure it can accommodate conference needs including budget requirements. For such assistance, please contact Janet Haynes (  at Elsevier and/or Julien Delarue (on behalf of the Conference Committee).

The expression of interest should be of maximum 5 pages and should provide information regarding the proposed location(s), the organizers, their motivation for hosting the conference, and any ideas they may have for the conference (central themes, ideas for further development, etc.). Selected bids will be asked to submit a full proposal with further details, as described below.

Information that must be included in the full proposal:
1. Proposed organizers (Symposium Chair/s), as well as an organizing committee for the 2029 Symposium:

  • Background information about the chair(s), including relevant scientific credentials, professional experience/track record in relation to organising conferences and events (including engagement in the Pangborn community).
  • Background experience about other members of the organizing committee (Note that organizing committee may comprise individuals located in the country hosting the event as well as in other geographical regions).

2. Proposed conference themes, topics and accessibility

  • The program of the 2029 conference should be similar to recent offerings of the Pangborn symposium in terms of plenary sessions, parallel sessions (typically 4), workshops, posters, etc. However, potential changes or innovations are also encouraged. Proposals should include details of proposed conference themes/topics, including changes or innovations.
  • Pangborn is primarily an in-person conference, but proposers should also outline how they aim to make use of current wider technologies to add to the experience and make content more accessible to both in person attendees and a wider audience, particularly those from sensory communities where cost prohibits attendance.
  • How research of early career researchers (ECR) will be championed/promoted

3. Location (city/country)

  • A detailed statement explaining why the 2029 Pangborn Symposium should be held at this location.
  • Details about any sensory/consumer communities in the local area that can provide support to the organizing committee during symposium planning.
  • Details about size of the sensory/consumer community and previous sensory/consumer science meetings held in the area/region (of particular importance if the proposal is for a conference is to take place in a region outside North America and Western Europe).
  • Facts about the city/country/region, including closest international airport, travel logistics to/from airport and city venue, special visa requirements (if any), safety/security issues, political and economic situation.

4. Meeting venue and accommodation

  • Potential venue(s) large enough to accommodate the symposium (a minimum of three conference rooms large enough to seat 1200 in plenary and at least 300 each for four parallel sessions in a theatre-style configuration, as well as 4,000 square meters of exhibition space). Possibility to organize small-scale workshops should be included in the application. Also include information about venue lay-out that facilitates movement of large crowds around break-times. Accessibility accommodations for disabled individuals should also be noted.
  • Preliminary information about technological capabilities of the venue.
  • Preliminary information about catering services of the proposed venue. Information about possible venues for the gala dinner with indication of the distances and/or time (by foot, public transport) between the conference venue and these venues may be included.
  • Availability of affordable transport to the city and within the city. The conference should be held preferably in July or August 2029, although other dates might be suggested.
  • Availability of reasonably priced and convenient accommodation with indication of the distances and/or time (by foot and public transport) between these accommodations and the conference venue. Provisions for lower cost accommodations for students and other economically conscious attendees must be specified.

5. Preliminary budget

  • A preliminary budget should be developed in association with Elsevier to demonstrate economic feasibility
  • Keeping Pangborn affordable is an important consideration and so any additional innovations should keep this in mind.

6. Cultural and entertainment options

  • Conference city. Information about convenient dinner options for smaller and larger groups in a range of price classes should be included.
  • Surrounding areas.

7. Letters of support (Organizational, financial, in-kind)