Science Talks and SSRN

Pangborn 2025 is partnering with Science Talks & SSRN

Widen the reach of your work beyond the conference to an even broader audience…

Science Talks

If your research is accepted for an oral presentation at the conference, you can create a recording of your presentation and submit it to the video journal Science Talks.
This is open access, has DOI’s and has no publishing charges for presenters at Elsevier Conferences!

If your research is accepted for a poster or oral presentation at the conference:

  • Poster authors can choose to include their abstract and poster PDF within the pre-print service SSRN
  • Oral presenters can include their abstract in SSRN.

SSRN is open access, with DOI’s and has no publishing charges for presenters at Elsevier Conferences!

More about Science Talks

science talksScience Talks is an open access journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed videos of scientific presentations, tutorials, and news and views.
A special issue of Science Talks with a collection of videos from the conference will be produced. We encourage our accepted oral presenters to participate to extend the reach of your presentation to an even broader, global audience.  The normal publishing charges are waived for authors from the conference.
The journal is open to submissions from all areas of mathematical and physical sciences, engineering, medicine, biological sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Published videos are accompanied by a manuscript that includes an abstract, figures, tables, and references presented in the video.

There are many benefits to publishing in Science Talks:

Videos are content rich
Video content is more memorable and engaging. All submissions are peer-reviewed, and recordings undergo a quality check prior to publication to ensure our high standards are met.

Videos are easy to submit
Our easy-to-use use template makes it easy for participants to submit a manuscript to accompany their video.

Videos are freely accessible
All Science Talks videos are immediately and freely available to download and use. Published videos receive a DOI so that they can be cited, and they are hosted on ScienceDirect—the world’s largest scientific content platform with 20 million+ active users.  We also add closed captioning and a transcript of the video prior to publication. 

Videos are free to publish
There are no publication charges for authors who are Elsevier conference presenters.

Videos complement full-text articles
The focus of this special issue is the video presentation, which means that it is complementary to related full-length research articles published in another journal, special issue, conference collection, or as an independent article.

More about SSRN

SSRN is an open access research platform used to share early-stage research, evolve ideas, measure results, and connect scholars around the world. With over 2.5 million registered users, the potential is there for your research to reach millions of SSRN viewers and subscribers around the world.

SSRN hosts conference proceedings within our library using our Proceedings Hosting solution. SSRN helps extend the reach of the papers within the proceedings, the conference event and the accepted/invited authors by hosting and distributing proceedings through our global, interdisciplinary platform. Conference proceedings on SSRN are displayed on a permanent, logo-branded page and are freely accessible to all users.

SSRN does not take copyright or exclusive rights so there are no license transfer forms for authors to fill out and authors/copyright holders are free to publish/reuse the work elsewhere without restriction from SSRN.

SSRN helps increase and measure the impact and reach of papers, including proceedings papers, in multiple other ways:

  • SSRN aggregates the total downloads for all papers included in a conference proceedings.
  • SSRN provides article level metrics which include total abstract views, downloads, and citations.
  • SSRN is integrated with PlumX Metrics to provide article-level information on the impact and usage of papers on SSRN, including citations, social media, news and other mentions, and more.
  • Second, eligible submissions are submitted to Crossref to receive an SSRN DOI which ensures the author can stake their claim in their work very early in the sharing process.
  • Third, Google and other search engines crawl SSRN, so papers do appear in search results for Google, Google Scholar, etc.
  • Lastly, all papers on SSRN are evaluated for distribution and posting in up to 12 of our "Subject Matter eJournals" which registered SSRN users subscribe to in order to receive email alerts containing the latest uploaded papers in their field(s) of interest.